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According to the US Census Bureau, almost 6 million veterans had some type of disability in 2014, 3.7 million of those received their disabilities while serving in the military. 

Even though the size of our total active duty military force continues to dramatically decrease year by year, the rate of disability continues to drastically increase.  The reality is that modern medical science has enabled wounded servicemembers to survive injuries that used to be often fatal.  With that, fatalities are a fraction of what they once were in wars past.  Survival is a blessing, but the challenges that disabilities pose are often overlooked in our communities.

With the help of Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) the VA has continually improved the services for disabled veterans.  VA disability ratings range from 10% to 100%.  Explore these resources to connect to the disabled veteran community or file a claim to receive disability benefits from the VA.

If you have any comments or concerns, please reach out to us with our social media.

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